It’s ok to be wrong. There is a time a place to admit it and fix it. Even Reddit can be right twice a day.

It’s ok to have some confidence or even ego. Reddit(mostly invested/serious players from NA/EU) is indeed not whole player base. But it’s not ok to be overly condescending.

It’s ok to call out bad takes and poke fun with Karthus poetry. But it’s not ok to resort to virulence and malice.

In the end. I hope Phreak and Riot in general don’t stop communicating because doing it puts them under flame when they’re making changes people don’t like. I hope they keep having the thick skin that most other game devs don’t have. Transparency the willingness to learn and correct wrong changes is the dream. A silent Riot that just does whatever without telling the playerbase why would not be flamed as much, but it would also be much worse off for the game and its community.

  • CumcentratorB
    10 months ago

    Dear riot and game balance team
    I hope this letter finds you well, autumn is almost over and winter is coming. The path has become harsher to traverse and I fear our journey will take longer than anticipated. With rashens slowly dissapaiting there is not much for us to hold dear as the PvE game modes are gone, seasons start cinematic was quite terrible, Passion feels gone from the game with random nonsense decisions constantly being added to the game with worse and worse addition to the roster such as veigo, zeri and ksante.
    Your explanations of such horrible and baffling are somehow more baffling and horrible than what was expected to be explained, such as Yummi takes as much skill as Akali. I do not respect akali players but I can assure you I can respect a good akali when I see one as it takes hours and skilll but all that yummi required to be functional is that the player clicked once every 7 seconds and make sure they don’t forget they are playing League of Legends amidts their netflix binge watch.
    I am sure you can use your 400million years of collective experience -which could be 800 million by now- very well by not doing such decisions.
    The weather is cold however it is important to keep warm in these times and not give everyone the snowflake treatment as that would only help in spreading the cold and sorrow that you planted in the first place.
    I can also see that we are holding dragon and are in a tug of war with the enemy for dragon soul, I must tell me team about Karthus ult. Oh my it seems my pings are no longer sufficient and I may need to write to them about the horrors of the future.
    Oh my it seems that they are playing in full mute…there is nothing I can do help these animals in this cold hard winter and it seems they will be lost to the karthus ult and suffer lp loss for them underestimating the power of the harsh winter Riot has put upon us.

    It is with a sorrowful heart that I must inform you that I will not be able to finish my journey this year as the conditions are too harsh and your neglagence, short sighted-ness, ego and baffling decisions have blocked my way entirely.

    With regards
    From top lane
