“The league is fixed” nonsense is everywhere in sports social media and 9/10 are from people with no obvious sports background. It’s never been bigger regarding the NFL. Stuff that is easily explained isnt corrected and its bleeding in to people’s minds and getting into mainstream and real-life discussion. Sports has its problems but it’s an escape and we really don’t need that crowd ruining things for people that like to read about sports and opinions.

Everything is suddenly shady since 2015 (draw your own conclusions as to why) and bad political practices are accepted now. It’s ok to make shit up because people are dying for excuses as to why their team lost or why they lost money gambling. They will believe anything if it takes the blame off of their team of choice. Conspiracy Theories fit this.

We can’t let these guys ruin sports too

  • HK_RashidunB
    11 months ago

    Konspiration 58, basically a mockumentary to slam the non-believers down, but that just added more fuel to the fire.