Obviously, a season like 2014/15 doesn’t count, where he was out injured almost the whole season.

Durant joined the SuperSonics in 2007, averaging 20 PPG in his rookie season. He then played for OKC for many years together with Westbrook and Harden. Then he went to Golden State, playing with Curry and Thompson. After that, he joined the Brooklyn Nets and played with James Harden and Kyrie Irving. Lately, he joined the Suns with Devin Booker.

So I would say there are not many players in NBA history who had more star teammates over the years than KD. Can you still say that KD always was the #1 guy at the end of the day? Especially when it goes to the clutch time?

  • Syndana23B
    11 months ago


    I wouldn’t go that far. Someone who’s “undeniably” better doesn’t have his teammate win 2 back to back FMVPs with one being an unanimous FMVP

    KD has a argument, and it’s a sound one cause during that time of 2017/2018

    Actually before that, the consensus was #Lebron 1 and KD #2

    Shaq, MJ etc were what I consider undeniable And no, I don’t care if the defense was centered around you, if you are head and shoulders/undeniably the best player on your team you still dominate regardless.