Hi there, Knicks fan here. I’m just wondering how Pop has been in the years since the big 3 and Kawhi have no longer been on the squad. Pop is obviously regarded as one of the greatest coaches in basketball history, but is unique as so much of his greatness coincided with an equally great roster, committed to the concept of teamwork and maintaining a certain standard over a very long period of time for basketball. Have his years post-Kawhi been up to his reputation as a coach? Have the recent struggles been in any due to his effectiveness as coach without a Hall of Fame roster? Or has the youth and rebuilding mindset of the franchise shadowed his still excellent coaching?

I don’t mean to insinuate anything about his capabilities, I am just curious what the Spurs fanbase thinks of him as he nears his twilight years.

  • Sweg_CoyoteB
    10 months ago

    Pop is doing all of this in a small market btw.