Since Jokic is pretty much the unanimous #1 player in the league right now, I want to know who are the best two players in the league right now you would still take Jokic over? These players dont have to be on the same time, just two players that are great but you would still rather have Nikola Jokic

  • JokAllYouWant2023B
    11 months ago

    No one is reading this post correctly. You have a list of NBA players in front of you and you can pick Jokic or you can pick any two random players. What is the best combo of players that STILL wouldn’t be worth taking over Jokic.

    Most would take Luka and Giannis together over just Jokic but what amazing duo would still not be worth it.

    As a Nuggets fan and Jokic worshiper, literally any combo could be made and I’d still take Jokic over it. 🤷‍♂️