He’s a cyber security analyst in a low cost of living city and state. Three bedroom homes can go for under $200k. He may just be a penny pincher — he seems unbothered about his living situation.

  • lemonadeandfirefliesB
    10 months ago

    Judging by his self acknowledged lack of social skills, I can almost guarantee he’s not the confrontation type. He’d never kick his mom out. He would most likely continue this exact living arrangement until SHE tired of it and left. The fiance coming may force things, but I don’t see him as the type to push that agenda at all. My experience with hardcore gamers has taught me that gaming is their escape from the uncomfortable realities of life. And he does A LOT of gaming and has since he was a kid living in his mom’s home. That’s how he deals with the situation, not by actively trying to change things.