I kept seeing people talk about The Fourth Wing everywhere, and I decided that if I came across it at some point that I’d just see what all the fuss was about.

I was browsing Libby recently for audiobooks available now, and I saw what I thought I had remembered was the title. What I ended up checking out was called The Four Winds. I thought, great, this will be fine to listen to while I do chores and I can evaluate it for myself.

A couple hours in, I was like, wait a minute? Weren’t there supposed to be dragons in this? I don’t see how dragons will show up in Dust Bowl-era Texas. I realized my mistake, but I was invested at this point and ended up really liking the book.

Has something like this happened to you? What were the books and the outcome?

  • TheBookShopOfBFB
    1 年前

    Imagining dragons in the Four Winds gave me a good laugh! So funny. Thanks!