i don’t think i’ll need elisp as i’m using emacs distribution

i want to learn basics elisp so that i can understand how to map keys how to send commands etc.

constructs that all beginners require

please don’t send a 300 page pdf for elisp as i don’t want to learn everything i just want a basic max 10 page rulebook for elisp

my teacher told me to use emacs and i love the experience so far thanks to the support from this community

i have not yet learned how to execute command like


i don’t know how to

run tab-width command with and set it to 4 after using M-x to open dialogue box to run command

(i think it’s called buffer not dialogue box)

so this is the level i’m at not much i know but i hope that emacs gods help me in finding true peace

  • Wood_Work16666B
    10 months ago

    If the elisp intro doesn’t suit your prefered style of learning two alternatives are to search the index in the emacs or elisp reference manual you access by

    1. f1 r

    2. f1 R elisp

    then you followup in the case of elisp with “I excursion” to list the index topic on that keyword excursion as an example; better to look for blogs on the web as a first step to find the solution to your immediate need