He’s generating 55.5 points a game while averaging 2 turnovers and in the games he’s played the Pacers haven’t scored less than 120. It’s insane how well oiled this team is right now. All this he’s not a real superstar talk need to end.

  • BeNiceBeChillB
    10 months ago

    Dunno who the buttheads are saying he’s not a real superstar. He’s objectively a top 10-15 player, and a top 1/2 passer w/ Joker. Dude is also an icy late game shooter. He sets a positive culture that I love. His intellect is beautiful. Etc. Etc. Superlative. Superlative. He’s a gem.

    To be balanced though, he’s gotta be held accountable the same as Math is in terms of his defense. If he can level-up in that area… I really don’t even know what to say aside from the fact that it would help to put the Pacers over the top as a contender in the East and solidify him as a viable MVP candidate.