I have just started my new online business in india . Started some facebook and instagram ads. Got about 300 visitor to my website. U mean i reached over around 80k people through ads may be more i am taking about impression. In short i got 300 out of 80k impression but still got zero in sales so i stopped ads tried organic marketing doing for over a week but still zero sales i got i order and that too a scam . What should i do or what am i doing wrong . Please help me Thanks in advance

  • disciplined_jayB
    10 months ago

    It’s a long game.

    1. How much customer and market research have you done?
    2. Have you researched competitors and their marketing channels?
    3. Have you created an adequate marketing and sales strategy?

    It not that “build it and the will come” crap. You have to do a ton of investment on the front-end to get results on the back-end.

    Good luck!