1. Starts with shooting form. Looks fine. Need to speed up the motion obviously. Flaw? The inward right leg when bending. When it sorts out, cash money (like his making in this game). Repetition is a must, g-league is good place to do that

  2. Boi they are not lying about 6’8 with 7’1 wingspan. Even when he got beat, he can contested 3s nicely

  3. Love to crash the offensive glass after shot

  4. Still playing in flow of the game. Not much unecessary extra role that he doesnt need to contribute for mavs. Occasional drives if open. Overall good role player mindset. His defense took a hit a bit in 1st half because he shooting poorly. But he recovers in 2nd half

That’s it i think

PS : JJax and Pinson vets in this team. Make sure Omax get his shots. Plays in flow of the game, not like others that still want to have another shot in nba. Definitely future texas legends asst.coach / player development especially JJax lmao

Edit : oh forgot, he played small ball center A LOT. I think there’s another mavs vision for him