Just so you know. Tired of people picking SF mid in 7k mmr and having absolutely 0 impact. The hero just doesn’t DO anything. Squishy mediocre right clicker with a little bit of nuke? Bad from ahead (can always be bursted) and terrible from behind.

Think I’m 0-5 my last 5 games with an SF on my team. And they were all stomps, not even close.

  • roaringsanityB
    10 months ago

    Destroying people in turbo with SF the difference in mango and courier delivery is so massive, I was 9/1/9 and 12/0/7 the last 2 SF games.
    Yes, I also lost my last 2 ranked SF games despite snowballing early but in low divine people not really a fan of being coordinated, so we lost eventually.
    I personally 80% of the time always getting edge, thorn and hex, so I don’t always rely on my teammate to disable the enemies before they stun/ slow me to escape.
    I would only go full DPS if I see a good lineup and thinks I can entrust disabling enemies to those guys.