Salty rant incoming because my past 3 games have all ended the exact same way.

Say whatever you want, but this item promotes extremely degenerate gameplay due to the insane amount of raw stats it gives and playstyle it incentivizes you to do. The game should not automatically require 1-2 people constantly babysitting one person because the item they built is that strong. With the buff to turret and inhibitor gold coming in, it’s only getting worse.

Why is this item not a mythic? Why are the stats so over-tuned? Why is there an item that heavily rewards playing solo in a team-oriented game? Why is turret/inhibitor gold being buffed which is a massive indirect buff to this item?

I am so sick of seeing games ruined by this item - please just remove it.

  • tristy100cocklergnthB
    10 months ago

    as a toplane main the item makes the game extremely toxic forcing you to build it as well in most cases