I do hope we go after Bo Nix. This young man is very football intelligent. Great reads, aduibles and runs when needed and when not needed.

I hope we are out of the running in terms of season wins and playoff hopes. If not, then i hope we make a play for this young man.

That said, i hope AOC becomes great and gets it done so we can hit on DT/DB/OT.

Fuck them jets.

  • ControlForward5360B
    10 months ago

    Honestly I feel like Bo Nix is a product of the offense and being in college football for so long. I’m not a prospect guy who knows how to read tape and dissect plays but I have a feeling he may not be a top tier choice and more of a game manager like we have had before. I’d rather shoot for the upside. Bo Nix is good don’t get me wrong but I just don’t trust it.