I have Bachelors in CS from a good Indian University. However, I don’t have much experience in research. I want to enter the field. I am working as a SWE in FAANG, but I don’t see anyway right now to enter the research field even though I am really interested in it. How can I build my profile, or what steps should I take to navigate to ML and do solid research? I am not even sure which ML problem I am excited about as it was seems too wide. Any help is appreciated.

  • Outrageous_Curve2049OPB
    10 months ago

    - Yeah, I don’t want to go into debt immediately. Masters in India doesn’t seem too promising.

    - I have been trying to do that for a while but it doesn’t happen unless there are openings on such teams. I am mostly stuck in my current dev work.

    - They are definitely extremely selective. Too hard to enter for someone with no experience.

    - Okay, I’ll check those out. I wonder if they consider students who aren’t enrolled in programs in those institutes.

    - Implementing popular papers is little complicated, right? Especially since the experiments are mostly extensive. I have implemented quite a few models and have implemented concepts as a part of courses in my college.