He hasn’t been playing bad at all. Although it’s on an extremely small smaple size, he’s averaging 14 points and 4.5 assists on 54/50/100 splits. Turnovers are an issue as he’s averaged about 3 per game. I’m pretty confident in saying Harden will not play offball for any significant amount of time. What do you think we can do with Harden?

  • Insufferable-AsshatB
    10 months ago

    I just can’t understand how 14/5/5 on 8 shots per game is the problem. Maybe I am not looking at the game correctly. Since the trade he’s been the best player from a scoring standpoint

    • AshenSacrificeB
      10 months ago

      The problem is our star players mentality but the sub isn’t ready for that conversation just yet

    • RyanJStoriesB
      10 months ago

      I mean it’s a pretty simple concept, with your usual big 3 of Westbrook, PG, and Kawhi, yall had a mix of ball handlers and creators as well and good spacing. Westbrook actually had a defined roll, was not playing terrible defense, and was also a fitting piece in the system.

      Now, Harden clogs everything up. There too much redundancy. You lost so much defense and size to add offensive stagnation due to overlapping skill sets. Without this trade, the clippers would have been fine. Now, you either need harden in the bench unit as Westbrook fits better with PG and Kawhi, Or sit westbrook and let Harden run the show (Which might be the wrong move, as he is a heliocentric player who has not only lost a step, but is simply not a player you want a team running through come playoff time.) With Harden out there, he takes touches and possessions away from ball dominant players. The trade was destined to fail.