I’m a Pelicans fan but am getting pretty sick of watching Zion not take a midrange shot let alone a 3 point when the opportunity’s there. He does his drive through the middle thing in every situation even regardless. I understand that part of it is trying to draw a foul, however many times he just fumbles and drops the ball or falls over. What’s your take on his strategy and do you think he’d be better taking the midrange or 3 in a lot of situations instead? I’m just a casual fan and not an expert on the game and strategy, so It would be great to hear other people’s perspective on this.

  • low_man_helpB
    10 months ago

    I can understand your frustration as a fan of a Pelicans in watching this over and over. The answer to your question is very simple, he does not trust his shot. It’s not an overcomplicated thing.

    Zion (like almost every other NBA) during high school/college games has been able to get anywhere he wants on the basketball could due to his outlier athleticism. While he is still an outlier in the NBA in terms of athleticism, he is not at the level of “go anywhere you want” but only to the level of “get an open shot”.

    To be at the level of athleticism in the NBA where it is possible to get an open rhythm + balance shot consistently is insane. But… you MUST be able to make said open rhythm + balance shots. As you might suspect, in order to make these shots you have to take them first.

    Taking a shot in the NBA requires an high level of confidence in your shot. Zion simply does not have that level of trust/confidence. That’s why you are seeing what you are seeing.

    Hope this helps. Doubt that the level of trust/confidence in his shot will emerge during this season so I believe you will be seeing a lot more of them same for a little bit longer.