I’ve been looking across the internet at what industries will grow the fastest (CAGR) by the year 2030. The top 5 that have been most popular are Cybersecurity, AI, virtual reality, renewable energy and Internet of thing.

Does everyone else agree that these industries will be receive the most growth by 2030. What other industries will see big growth by 2030?

  • wastedgetechB
    1 year ago

    With that list I think the semi conductor space might be of interest. Investing in the companies that will make it possible for other companies to do these things is probably a safer play but probably less potential to 100x than a company on the flexing edge that makes it. Another big space im interested in personally, related to your list, is autonomous vehicles and/or Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). If that peaks any interest perhaps look into LIDAR companies too.