Odd question to ask, perhaps, on this sub. But I recently had a conversation with someone who is blindly anti-EV and he kept rambling on about a “silent majority” of EV owners who “don’t care at all” about the environment. I personally don’t think that’s true, but I may be (sadly) wrong.

(We are both car enthusiasts, but he leans right, I lean left (and am concerned climate change). In case people are curious)

  • Car-faceB
    10 months ago

    From memory the last time this question was asked, a significant number of owners simply didn’t give a shit.

    I suspect that since EV’s are still priced above the point where most cars actually sell, there’s a lot of people who are in a position (mostly skewing older) where actual environmental concerns play second fiddle to having “the latest tech”. We’re talking about a cohort that is still mostly comprised of early adopters, after all.