Today was just like how playoffs games tend to go. A lot of waves back and forth, several highs and lows and then CRUCIAL last 2 possessions to decide it.

We historically have not done well in these situations. We know we’re great front runners. But when the opponents counter we aren’t great at recovering. If we were a boxer we’d have a crazy haymaker that can knock anyone out but lose stamina in long fights and end up losing on points.

The was today played out is exactly my fear of what will happen in the playoffs. You can say any given Sunday all you want. We have documented games, lots of them, of these scenarios.

Meanwhile the Steelers have 6 wins, ALL OF THEM, one score games. I don’t know what needs to change for us to get different results.

  • dragoniteftw33B
    10 months ago

    I mean tbh his predecessor won 0 playoff games with mostly the same core