Did some research and for the US Armed Forces, 64 is the absolute oldest you can be and still be enlisted or commissioned. If anyone or any organization has done a thorough amount of research on this, it’s the Armed Forces. If they say 64 is when it’s time to hang em up, they’ve done more than cursory amount of research and have solid reason to believe that’s the right cutoff.

Also, Tom Coughlin (former Boston College & NY Giants coach) indicated 67 is when he just couldn’t coach like he needed to anymore. He further indicated that he’s paid attention to other coaches and noticed the same thing. For what ever reason, 67 & after, you just cant keep track of all the things a HC needs to keep track of and your impulses, the ones that you used to rely on, just don’t work out the same.

Belichick was 67 four years ago. Is it just me, or did the Patriots downward trend really start 4 years ago?