I had an engineer about my router to sort out my issue and he noticed that I gamed a lot during the past few days. (I rarely do but got a cool game so I did a bit lately). I just wonder how? Well I did download a game last night and last month. I am wondering, did he see just my download history (which is fine) or my internet history? I hope he didn’t as it’s just embarrassing :( I went on dating sites before I found a girlfriend and I’d rather him not see that also on top of that I brought my GF a sort of erotic lingerie. I’m so embarrassed. Is it possible for engineer to see what I search?

  • Background-Marzipan8B
    10 months ago

    Look I’m an independent enginner doing remote or on site support. I see all sorts in people’s history etc. Do I care No. Let’s face it everyone pees poos and screws.

    Ain’t no shame we’re all the same.