Am I going crazy of has the amount of anti-EV “articles” started to skyrocket. Just today, I’ve seen a “Why I’m not buying an EV” concern article, some accusing Biden of killing EVs, “The true costs of buying an EV,” and my favorite: “Study: The True Cost of Charging an EV: $17/gallon.” (That study was funded by Exxon Mobil, lol).
What’s going on? Why is all the EV hate in the media ramping up?
Oil companies see the end is coming for them. They are making a desperate attempt to stop progress.
Even if the EVs aren’t paying for much of this stuff, they created a self-sustaining culture war about EVs and hybrids. They painted early EV drivers and hybrid drivers as people who were gung ho about saving the planet vs people trying to save money.. EVs were cars for techy people from California, not real cars.