“I volunteer at the soup kitchen. But yeah, I volunteer. Did you know I volunteer? I don’t know if I mentioned but I volunteer sooooo I’m kinda a good person”

“Don’t ever apologize for saving lives!”

You really expect me to believe that last line came out of her mouth btw? Ha.

Seriously what even is her character now? She went from selfish, toxic, and manipulative to suddenly being so supportive and kind that I would almost expect to find this version of her is from another timeline or something, maybe one where she is actually a good person. It’s crazy how bad they want us to like her, but it’s so disingenuous. You cannot just sweep toxicity under the rug and pretend it never happened. She didn’t learn, she didn’t change or grow as a character, she never apologized, and she simply got her personality retconned to be suddenly not toxic and to be suddenly super supportive.

The saddest part is, if they take her character the route the comic did, and she ends up in an abusive relationship, I don’t even think most fans will feel that bad. So, they might’ve not only messed up her character, but her future arc too.

Also, even Eve looks bored as shit listening to her talk about her sOuP kItChEn

  • Garbageaccount1934OPB
    10 months ago

    That’s kind of the problem. She sucks, her character is bland, boring, unlikable, fake, and badly written. She just parrots the same shit over and over because she has no personality outside DuH sOuP kItChEn. Also, even poor Eve looks like she wants to kill herself having to listen to her talk about volunteering yet again.