Am I going crazy of has the amount of anti-EV “articles” started to skyrocket. Just today, I’ve seen a “Why I’m not buying an EV” concern article, some accusing Biden of killing EVs, “The true costs of buying an EV,” and my favorite: “Study: The True Cost of Charging an EV: $17/gallon.” (That study was funded by Exxon Mobil, lol).
What’s going on? Why is all the EV hate in the media ramping up?

  • jgainitB
    10 months ago

    I listen to a daily podcast called “tech news briefing” by the wall street journal and just yesterday it had two EV hit pieces in it.

    One was talking about how EVs are dangerous when they light on fire. They mentioned one big EV fire in Tennessee. When they asked the fire department about it, that was the only EV fire case they’d ever seen… So they’re fearmongering yet it’s not even common.

    That being said, there was interesting info. EV fires, even if not common, are different than ICE fires and do need to be treated differently. But it was just weird.

    Then in the same podcast it was saying that the grid can’t handle EV cars