First off, Gabe doesn’t fill any of our gaping holes at the moment. He’s not a good enough playmaker, he’s not a good enough shooter, and he’s not a good enough defender. He plays hard. That’s about the biggest value he brings to the team.

Caruso, despite his own shortcomings, is basically an elite 3&D guard. A better Pat Bev.

Second, our other shortcoming is a guy who can just hyper efficiently score - that is any given night give you 20. DDR cant shoot from the outside but he’s still a very good midrange scorer. I kind of dislike giving up Rui for him but with our wing logjam and Reddish arising I think we need to swap a wing for a higher scorer guard/wing.

AD / Wood / Hayes
Bron / Prince / Vando / Reddish
Dlo / Reaves / DDR / Caruso

This just feels like a more balanced team. DDR replaces Rui’s scoring punch and he can also play the wing position. Reddish makes Rui’s loss acceptable. Caruso is just a better fit than Gabe IMO.

  • CihatPekerB
    10 months ago

    Hahahahahahahahah he kind of dislikes giving up Rui for Demar 😂