Am I going crazy of has the amount of anti-EV “articles” started to skyrocket. Just today, I’ve seen a “Why I’m not buying an EV” concern article, some accusing Biden of killing EVs, “The true costs of buying an EV,” and my favorite: “Study: The True Cost of Charging an EV: $17/gallon.” (That study was funded by Exxon Mobil, lol).
What’s going on? Why is all the EV hate in the media ramping up?

  • expatriatoB
    10 months ago

    The amount of EQS and EQE SUVs I see goes up by the day. If the mercedes faithful are giving up on ICE cars - I think ICE is done. Mercedes drivers are the most conservative drivers there are.

    Sure, prices could come down, but it isn’t an issue for anyone who can actually afford a new car. If a new civic starts at 25K - I don’t think EVs have to be any cheaper. For 25K you can get a new Bolt, much nicer car than a civic.