I cross posted in r/NOLAPelicans for basketball references

Loomis did his best to recreate the 2014 Raiders this offseason. You typically don’t see teams take the approach, but they did. Carr was benched last season and then given a ton of guaranteed money to play worse than Baker Mayfield. That’s not a wise use of funds.

The cap situation is going to come back now because Los Santos took a chance on a QB that is in the 15-20 range and paid him top 10 money. Loomis appears to have always thought that they could swap out Brees and the ship would stay its course. The constant restructuring contracts was fine in the 2010s when you had Brees. Shit ain’t that easy when you have Carr and Wintson losing to Josh Dobbs yesterday.

The coaching hire and play calling are stangnant. The drafting has been spotty at best since 2017, and some huge misses along the way.

Loomis is common denominator for both squads. Both teams should be better and he’s the chief guy for both. Loomis led a rebuild once, but now refuses to do so while Los Santos tread in mediocrity. Is Loomis the guy to be able to right the ship?

  • paulyrockyhorrorB
    10 months ago

    I am pretty sure Loomis hasn’t been involved with the pelicans since 2019, I guess I could be wrong.