I’m going with BlackBeard. He hadn’t had a useful buff since his nerf in 2017. I think making his shield 5 shots would be fair. At this moment? It’s literally one fucking shot making it useless.
I’m going with BlackBeard. He hadn’t had a useful buff since his nerf in 2017. I think making his shield 5 shots would be fair. At this moment? It’s literally one fucking shot making it useless.
Ela, she honestly just needs like nitro and a recoil reduction on her gun tbh. She’s SO UNDERWELMING but has SO much potential. Like i can control her recoil, but it has an LITERALLY UNCONTROLLABLE jerk left. My friend had an auto recoil bot i forgot what its called, but he tried it with ela and at 20 bullets it still jerked left. The rest of the circle was perfect except it moved left about a meter