If you guessed the snake lady, DING DING DING +5 pickems points. Boots are by far the most broken items in the game. No other items give you 45 MS, 18 flat magic pen, 30% tenacity + 25 MR, 20 ability haste and SS cdr, 12% aa damage reduction + 20 armor, and more for only 1100 gold OR LESS. The fact that you have to wait until LV 12 to break even on move speed, in a lane and on a champ so reliant on it feels like an absolute kick in the teeth. I would genuinely prefer no passive at all to this passive nerf. W or L? Mid emerald for reference.

    1 year ago

    its a buff end game and part of her gimick, shes supposed to be weak early and midgame.

    also shes a snake and snakes dont have feet silly