Hey everyone. I’ve never been super big into NFL until this season. I’m what you would call a casual. My entire family is saints fans and I never really tuned in to watch them or cared for the saints so this season has been my time to decide on a team as I have enjoyed most of the games this year.

I’ve watched every jets game so far. I’ve been a casual lurker of the different nfl and jets subs and would like to officially declare myself a Jets fan if that’s okay with everyone.

Am I making a mistake? Should I take my talents to south beach or another team? I love the Jets colors and I think the defense is pretty good. Am I in for a lifetime of pain? I have been looking at the history and don’t see that this team has been a competitor in a while.

Please let me know if I’m making a mistake. Otherwise I’m buying a jets hat and declaring my loyalty

  • GuyWitATurtleneckB
    10 months ago

    Do it. The fans of teams that always win are straight pussies. You don’t wanna be that. You’d rather be mentally unstable and suicidal than a pussy. Join the mile high club.