She is going to want to go back home and I don’t blame her. His place is like a hoarder, it appears his mom has some mental issues, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be clean. Dude is a slob. I don’t even think he showered before getting in bed

  • synaptic_driftB
    10 months ago

    I had a “baby tooth” that never fell out, then lost, and a crown that broke off

    during covid times, from all of the popcorn I was chomping on LOL

    I’ve been shown on x-ray that I have a tooth hidden in my gum where the baby tooth used to be.

    Can that tooth be pulled down from the gum?

    None of this is that noticeable. I used to be an actor. I don’t see myself being on-screen any longer, but if I want to do voiceovers again, I need to repair. Not into “soshul mejia,” or obsessed with myself.