So far have seen a bit of a concensus that LPL teams didn’t “show up” against T1. Surely this cant be the case for all 3 teams?

What is T1 doing so differently that the top 3 LPL teams look like they arent “showing up”

Is it because T1 forced the botlane meta/macro so hard and the other teams had to catch up?

  • ddunitedB
    10 months ago

    No offense or disrespect, but the KT-JDG series was gonna be a 3-2 for KT had Ruler and Knight not did a fucking mind meld mid game to clutch out huge baron fight to win the game in g4. If they had lost g4 i would bet both my nuts that 369 or Knight collapse mentally and they go home.

    it’s the World Championship, you edge out with your superstar plays

    • SecretaryMedical7071B
      10 months ago

      I don’t see how that’s relevant to the topic but you’re not wrong. Weird response though. I was just saying that jdg did show up against t1. T1 just clutched it out. Was that not clear to you somehow?

      • ddunitedB
        10 months ago

        hey man didn’t mean for that to appear weird or aggressive

        I just wanted to say that at things just kinda balanced themselves out at the end of the day: JDG edged out of the QF with its superstar moments, and then T1 edged out of SF with its superstar moments

        the “showing up or not” conversation fails to acknowledge that the differences between top teams at the level of JDG and T1 are so minuscule, errors are often forced and one side’s good or bad plays are subsequent results of the other side’s moves and also mind games, making a lot of things look like unusual behaviors