My father had a 2007 SEL and I kept it after he passed away and drove it for a few years and loved it, I’m not really car-savvy but never had major issues with it, so I’m kinda attached to the name and I’ve always liked all of the stylings redesigns over the years, I know there were quite a few options including an all wheel drive sport from 2017 with 320+ HP?

I recently moved to the US and might be buying my first car ever soon and I can’t keep my eyes off any Fusion I see around, forget about budget , ( I know some of the last 2020 versions go for 16 to 19k ) generally speaking are they good reliable buys if I find a 2010 - 2014 in good condition and mileage ?

  • ismelladoobieB
    10 months ago

    I had an 09 fusion SEL and I absolutely loved it. The seat adjustor broke (I’m fat), the radio buttons only worked from the steering wheel, and the windshield wipers regularly stopped working, but it was hands down the most reliable car I’ve owned since I swapped to a Camry.

    I know you’re looking for a slightly newer one but I don’t think you can go wrong as long as it has a good service history. I regularly got told how much cheaper it was for my parts vs other brands and models in the same category so I never complained about repair prices thankfully but I also never touched the local Ford Dealership for anything besides recalls.