-First of all, T1 won against JDG in 4 games in the semifinals( the rounds where there are 4 teams). Guma also said he would crush Ruler. and which game did he show that? That’s right, game 4.

-So let’s look at game 4 a bit more. What champions did T1 picked? Yone, Azir and Bard(which was also picked with Jhin in game 1) all had 4 letters in the names. And the jungler? Jarvan the FOURTH. And who did Guma lane against? Zeri and Lulu, also 4 letters. And Guma played Varus, which may seem to break the pattern. But Varus is a Darkin, and how many Darkin in game are there? 4.

-In the outplay to get the dragon soul(4th dragon), who did he kill beside Ruler? 369, or 333 when he’s bad(and what is 3 plus 1? 4) playing Aatrox, another Darkin.

-After this game, T1 is on a 4 series winning streak. Now they will have to play LPL 4th and final team, who is also seed 4 to get Faker’s 4th worlds championship.

This is not a coincidence. Gumayusi(4 syllables, or Guma-4 letters) purposefully leaked the script for everyone to see.