Does anyone else see the similarities between Joe Woods and JB? I hope it doesn’t turn out to be that similar, because it’s pretty clear the browns wasted a season by having the wrong coach last year. Hopefully the Cavs either move on earlier or JB turns out to be a good coach.
Some of the similarities:
- very decisive fan opinions. There’s a lot of haters and defenders
- just enough good performances thrown in with bad to justify keeping but also giving evidence of firing them
- apparent underperformance relative to talent
- sticking to principles that don’t seem to get the best out of the specific players on the team
The Knicks series was all I needed to see.
Truly one of the worst collapses I have ever witnessed.
I hated to be right but, there’s just nothing there on offense. There is nothing to fall back on when another team can actually game-plan for us for two straight weeks in the playoffs.