They won’t let me post in the COD reddit for some reason, so want to share my thoughts here.

What a disgusting lazy cash grab this game is, of course everyone knows the campaign is embarrassingly bad and just a lazy way to reuse warzone assets.

But the two other gamemodes are also lazy and just all around not very good.

The multiplayer gameplay is fun, that is the sole redeeming feature of this game, but the maps are only good because they are all ten years old and from a time when COD devs were capable of creating a good map.

The unlock system in multiplayer is so bad, its strange to think that a human with a functioning brain signed off on it. It would be offensive and gross in a free to play game, but in a full price game its mind bogglingly bad.

Then theres the zombies mode, which is just another way to milk money out of existing warzone assets, its also incredibly boring, I played a couple of games and they went on for ever and ever, and never once got interesting or challenging, its leauges worse than any zombies element of any other COD.

TLDR: This game is a disgusting, lazy, poorly executed cashgrab. Avoid, avoid, avoid!

  • iFiAudioB
    10 months ago

    There was me thinking it would be good for Zombies at least!

    Maybe they should have kept this as an update to the existing COD rather than a new edition.