What do you think?

  • SketchParkerB
    10 months ago

    Depends on the generation. Kids today overwhelmingly trend towards watching youtubers and streamers play a game all the way through, then dabble in playing it themselves.

    I’ve watched my fiance’s kids and their friends get all amped up about watching everything about a game including the playthrough, then watch the game theories and discussion, then play the game. Always, always, they talk about the game theory they heard from x source.

    So, no, I don’t think kids today will enjoy games as much as I did as a kid. I think they are focused on watching their favorite persons play the games, then the actual game experience becomes lacking. Then, they interject things they heard in reference to videos they watched to make it more entertaining for them, as they’ve already experienced it as second-hand gaming, and nothing is new or a surprise.

    I get more out of my gaming as an adult then I did as a kid.