I’ve been out of the game for a long while now so maybe someone can bring me up to speed.

I dipped out the moment the story was cancelled and figured now I was ready to come back and see some changes. A lot has changed. Hero Mastery is fun. Hero level is neat. The shop is still ass.

But my god, what has happened to the QP and Comp scene?

Did I miss something because the toxicity has never been so consistent than this past week and a half. Of all the games I’ve played, there has only been a handful of them that didn’t result in toxic chat or gameplay sabotage, even the ones we won.

Just last night in comp, one of my Healers asked my fellow DPS to switch and all of a sudden, our DPS decides to trash her in chat, stand at spawn, and only leave to T-bag the fellow dead healer’s corpse.

Now, I’ve seen some toxicity in this game before but never so consistent. At least for me, in this past week and a half, it’s become more rare to see teams get along and work together.

I’m also low diamond, admittedly it will take me some time to return to my master rank but seriously, what’s with the toxicity? Is it something you’ve noticed has got worse too?

  • woundedantB
    10 months ago

    Anyone leaving a game to come to OW is quite an assumption lmao