It seems like most champions play the game that people wish league was i.e. laning then teamfighting over objectives and the such like. And then there are champions that are actually playing what league of legends is, they build hullbreaker and avoid human interaction wherever possible and just scale and base race the entire game. Tryndamere, Fiora, Yorick etc are the most boring things in this entire game by a pretty wide margin. A Fiora with hands will almost invariably outscale you and she has two abilities and two items that damage turrets, plus sometimes demolish just for good measure. For months I was banning Yorick not because he is overpowered not because I or my toplaners lose to him all that often and certainly not because I didn’t have other champions I wanted to ban, but instead because of how he is practically literally playing a different game than everyone else. You will often lose two or more towers for most objectives, if a teamfight goes on for a little too long or you don’t win it decisively enough then he might very well already be at your nexus. They nerfed Sion’s ability to do this man vs tower gameplay but some champions just go under the radar. People like to say a lot of things about high elo and pro play as if they actually have the slightest clue what goes on in those queues, and they call something like this a bronze take. So here’s my bronze take: Fiora and Yorick and Tryndamere (in their current iterations) should be removed from league of legends along with Hullbreaker. Hullbreaker should have never been added to the game to begin with but now here we are. Backdooring the nexus was something that got hyped up in the distant past and now everyone’s two braincells start vibrating when they might have a chance to type ‘XPEKEEEE’ as their Yorick backdoors his fourth consecutive game. So many games end this way, everything that everyone else did meant nothing because only the yorick or the fiora or what have you were actually playing league.

  • yatish609B
    1 year ago

    While I’m not a fiora main and I would recommend asking fiora mains about this more specifically, what I’ve researched and tried and tested, she is extremely vulnerable to stacking waves during laning phase. As for mid to late game, the answer is in her kit itself. Her kit is a perfect duelist kit. If a fiora has hands, she can probably 1v1 you, if she has good hands, she’ll destroy you. Answer you ask? Maybe try not 1v1ing? Duh? The champ is annoying no doubt, but as you very well know, she has no teamfighting capabilities. That alone means that a 1v2 or 1v3 means imminent threat. Doing that a few times and she’ll be behind the whole game.

    Tryndamere’s kit is just … No words for that guy. If you throw in the laning phase, then that’s on you. These champs are annoying in laning phase, as long as you don’t throw, they become useless without leads later on when team starts grouping during mid game. Kite, bait R, kill and repeat.

    Regarding Yorick, he used to be my main. There’s just so many counters that naming them here will just make this a 1000 words paragraph. Guy just loses to almost any top laner these days. Ever see a Yorick? Pick Irelia, or if you’re into less skilled champs, tryndamere. Your welcome.

    I totally agree with the fact that communication getting removed is the most backward change riot has ever done. However, if you look back carefully to any season, it has always been the game where a single person or two players decisions have carried the whole game.

    While yes, that’s not how the game was supposed to be played, it is the reality we’ve been living in since the start, so there’s nothing we can do about that. Ask any GM or challenger person, they’ll give you the same advice, “you have to carry the game yourself”. You have to be assertive, doing shot calls and stuff. You have to lead.

    Now that’s not possible on any champ or any role and that’s also part of the game and climbing. One tricking is fun and can do wonders but at some point even then you’ll have to swap and look for something new once in a while.

    Gotta figure out what works.