My SO isn’t an audiophile so she doesn’t really understand what I’m saying. Honestly, it could just be a ‘me’ thing.

My speakers are full range IMO, and I can hear down into the 20hz range. But I don’t feel like I’m experiencing the music. I have been contemplating getting a subwoofer to have the impact to feel the low end instead of just hearing it.

Anyone else ever felt like this too? Or am I just over thinking it?

  • izeek11B
    10 months ago

    if youve got full range speakers, they oughtta be getting you mighty close to the thrill youre looking for. id imagine you might need a little more work on speaker placement. aaand a sub or two.

    my jbl l890s spec to 26hz and it sounds like it. they hit low and solid. but adding the matching 12" sealed sub was an eye-opener. 2 of them are just wow. dude, they thud when i want em to. generally, theyre barely on and make a big difference. when i crank em up, they certainly slam.

    iono about there being a lotta difference between sealed and ported. ive heard both and its preference for me. frankly, i love the sealed and i listen to music way, way more than movies. i certainly get slam with movies.