By this, I mean a game that lets you figure out your own way of winning, that gives you plenty of tools at your disposal but doesn’t force you to use any single one of them.

Games like this that I’ve played are XCOM 2 and MGS5: Phantom Pain. In both games, the same mission can be played way differently. In Phantom Pain I loved to place C4 on all the radio towers and then blow them all up at once so that the enemy couldn’t call for backup, and then I’d slowly pick off soldiers until I got caught. Other missions I’d find a good sniper spot, but sometimes I’d just go in guns blazing with a tank. In XCOM 2 I loved to get all squad members in position for a single incredible turn using lots of overwatch shots. But I also enjoyed sending in 4+ heavies, all with a ton of grenades.

I’m craving for a game like that. It can be from any genre of game as long as you have tactical freedom.

  • NewdabrigB
    10 months ago

    If you got a switch the new legend of zelda is kinda like this. Wouldnt exactly call it “tactical” but the whole ethos of the game is try to figure out how to complete the task/kill the bad guys in any way you possibly can or want to. Some of the shrines even encourage you to do things the “wrong way” to finish the puzzle