I can’t decide who is more ridiculous out of this couple. Justin is a transphobic dating a trans woman. It is obvious he is repulsed by her. Nikki not only looks ridikkulous but is not right in the head for dating a transphobic guy and then thinks it somehow socially acceptable to meet his friends and immediately start complaining to them that Justin won’t eat her out. Kudos to the friend standing at the bar listening to all this without barfing into her drink.

  • Comprehensive_Park44B
    10 months ago

    I don’t think that the fact that Igor is not attracted to Nikki means that he is transphobic. I don’t dislike transgender people and I am not against them but I know I am not attracted to transgender men. It’s a preference and we all should be entitled to have them without the fear to be labeled or chastised. I do think Justin is not attracted to Nikki anymore and she should accept that. I think at a certain level she knows he is not attracted to her anymore. I don’t agree with her talking to his friends about such intimate topics. I feel that this last part was probably prompted by producers to create good TV or drama.