Aram changes solve absolutely nothing and in fact ruin the gamemode even more. Here is some of my thoughts on it.
The whole concept is wrong. We have a gamemode of a full on 5v5 that is not the strenghts of specific champions. One can’t make a sidelaner character exceptional in teamfights, even with 5% more damage from it. But you can probably point out to me that these changes in fact work in bringing up champions to a level, as winrates get closer to each other. Which leads me to my next point:
These changes are unhealthy. The buffed champion won’t become a teamfight champion, but it will still get a winrate increase, because it will become unfair in certain situations. A rengar with 105% damage won’t be able to 5v5, but if he somehow gets to leap on squishy he will oneshot it with no lead or real counterplay. These changes make champions unfair and almost unbeatable in certain situations instead of improving their 5v5 ability as they are should, so the winrate increase comes from these singular moments of insane power instead of a consistent better performance in the game mode.
Also these are way too many changes. Nerfing every single stronger adc or long range mage’s survivalability alongside with buffing every single assasin’s damage together just creates a scenario where the squishies take absurd amount of damage from nothing. We have already more than enough damage in this game from every single class, nerfing survivaability is one of the worst things ever thought of.
Also changes creating the need for other changes. Sett has no reason to be hard nerfed when his weakest side is 5v5, he is only nerfed because every single thing he is countered by is nerfed as well. There are numerous champions like these especially tankier ones.
So how do we fix this:
Accepting not every champion will do equally well in aram, and that it shouldn’t be a goal to change that.
Lowering the amount of champions changed. There is no reason to buff or nerf everyone, only the outliers.
Stop lowering survivalability. The game has more than enough damage as is without them.
Only lower damage, never increase it. Melee champions should be pretty much unchanged, and the longrange/poke/hypercarries should have their damage reduced by 5-10% so they are kept in check.
This is all that we need, not the currently in place, self generating mess of an aram balance, that causes more trouble in game than it’s worth.
ARAM needs a few changes to be more fun
First of all we should be able to see enemy champions for some seconds so we can adjust our runes and spells to the situation prior to game start
As someone else said, the dominance of poke champions would be decreased by adding some alcoves on the side somewhere
Especially when it’s random, you should be able to play the champ at the very least ._. without suffering too much… hence yes removing a bulk of all those champ specific buffs and debuff those poke/long range/zone control marginally since they would still benefit from the smaller mapsize too much
Sadly I doubt that Riot will ever make these changes that would improve QOL in ARAM for longevity