The NBA disaster draft is a contingency plan to be used when 5 or more players on a team have died or have been dismembered. In the draft, the team whose players died will be able to draft the amount of players from other teams equivalent to how many they had lost. Other teams though are only allowed to protect 5 players from being drafted, but many teams have good sixth men that are available. With the Pistons having made no progress in the last few years under Troy Weaver, and immensely underperforming relative to expectations this year, we could just kill 2-way players and bench scrubs like James Wiseman to fill out those 5 kills to get the disaster draft. Also, according to Bill Simmons, the team would also get the first pick in next year’s draft. Now this next draft class is weak so I could understand their hesitancy, and being a repeat offender, that is, killing 5 players on your team on 2 separate occasions could raise some eyebrows, but this could still greatly improve them. No doubt though it definitely would be worth it, because killing your benchwarmers for other teams sixth men would greatly improve the Pistons. What do you guys think, and should any other teams do this and who should they kill?

  • MrAppleSpoinkB
    10 months ago

    I’m picturing a tryout session where it’s like a fucking saw trap.

    “You have 2 hours to ball tf out. Live or die, the choice is yours”