Coach T had this to say: “Certainly. We’re gonna need more, particularly as this road narrows, but guys like Kenny and myself, we’re measured by wins and losses. He and I talk about that often and openly. We know what our jobs are. Our jobs are to win. And so that’s where we are, that’s where our focus is. I love the fact that he embraces that.”

Will this be the added juice necessary to help Kenny unleash his inner first round pick a little more? Or a nothing burger?

  • SlaveKnightLanceB
    10 months ago

    Tomlin answers this way every time they ask him if he expects more, from any player really.

    I take this quote more of Tomlin saying “Our job is to win, I don’t care what they’re saying out there. I gave you a job to do in this game and the win is indicative of that”

    I think they know they’re going to get scrutinized but it’s important to not care. At the end of the day we don’t know what the game plan was, we can guess, but we don’t know. And Tomlin and Kenny don’t care. They just want to win