My spirits heros have all been trash for whole this patch (not you earth spirits, you r out of the famliy). I missh my ember, void and storm.

    10 months ago

    Personally i feel so bad playing the void and storm against these heros. i have to burst all of my mana and skills to gank or initiate (cuz ppl love picking farming pos3 without cc in my pubs), and most of times if its me initiate, very likely its my teammate claim kills as i absorb dmg and have to reset frequently. While necro,earthspirit,kunkka,beast, they do much better job absorbing dmg and their skills are just way more cost-efficinent. And ofc personally i dont win lanes playing void and storm against these heros. (like void third skill have 17s cool down with 240 dmg maxed and cost 110 mana, though universal, still so hard to push waves in earily games, and i have to keep 2 ults for ganks. )