Someone recommended it for keeping my containers up to date automatically. I checked out the repo and it seems too good to be true. It just updates your containers when a new image is available and everything just works out of the box? I’m a bit scared of just leaving it alone in case it might break something. The fact that it doesn’t come with a gui also scares me a bit.

Does anyone here use it and can recommend it? Any horror stories?

  • @Old-Satisfaction-564B
    08 months ago

    I prefer to be there when container ar updated so that I can promptly fix anything that breaks.

    I have 2 watchtower instances in a docker-compose, the first container ‘watchtower-monitor’ uses command: --monitor-only and warns me over gotify about the availability of updates but does not modify anything, the second ‘watchtower-once’ uses command: --run-once and it is usually inactive since it performs all updates once and than exits. When i am ready to update everything I just docker-compose start watchtower-once container to start the updates.

    • @Digital_VoodooB
      18 months ago

      Apart from the container name, what did you change in the compose files?

      I tried this approach, changed only the container_name, and couldn’t get the second instance to start.

      I’d appreciate your view/help on this.