Someone recommended it for keeping my containers up to date automatically. I checked out the repo and it seems too good to be true. It just updates your containers when a new image is available and everything just works out of the box? I’m a bit scared of just leaving it alone in case it might break something. The fact that it doesn’t come with a gui also scares me a bit.

Does anyone here use it and can recommend it? Any horror stories?

  • @roycorderovB
    18 months ago

    I got my proxmox in production and I’ve installed before whatschtower and just broke me down 4 containers with bad updates so I stoped from using whatschtower…

    I would like any services that just notify me about any new docker image update whitout making any updating

  • @CobthecobblerB
    18 months ago

    I don’t know if maybe I’m using watchtower wrong but i don’t like how it behaves by default. It’s always messing up my container names, not removing old containers and just spinning up new ones, etc and there’s no interface so I can’t view jobs that ran overnight, or see what’s queued or in progress. It just does it’s own thing and I really don’t like that. I’ve installed and un-installed it a few times and it’s been un-installed for a while now. I just redeploy my portainer stacks and pull down the latest image manually when I want to upgrade my containers now. At least I get some control

  • @TangbusterB
    18 months ago

    Used Watchtower on my Synology for a while and it worked well. No issues in that time.

    Now I’ve moved to a Nuc and am more experienced with Docker and understand a lot more of it but by no means am a professional by any means, I would say that I wouldn’t use Watchtower. I can definitely see it messing a config up and prefer not to deal with the headache of troubleshooting something without knowing it was an auto update. If I had the time, I may tag the apps I’m happy to auto-update but for now I prefer to have the higher availability.

  • @Simon-RedditAccountB
    18 months ago

    Yes, there are risks:

    • First, updates can break things. Already explained here.
    • Second, exposing Docker socket to Watchtower means you have to trust it ultimately. Any vulnerability in WT can lead to whole system compromise.

    Personally, I use DIUN. It just sends me notifications about available updates. I update things manually later. My system is pretty well isolated from outside world, so no need to hurry.
    On a VPS, I would prefer a different approach though.

  • @Calm-Size-1110B
    18 months ago

    You can set notifications so you know which container are updated recently. If that container stops working, then just revert to previous image.

    And configure when watchtower should run the update. I set mine to update at 8pm, so in case something breaks, I still have a few hours before bedtime to fix it.

  • @CactusBoyScoutB
    18 months ago

    I just had a strange issue with Watchtower where it somehow failed to update itself. And it left a running but unhealthy duplicate of itself. Just restarting the old container fixed it. But I guess that’s a risk?

  • @ProbablePenguinB
    18 months ago

    Watchtower itself works great, it doesn’t need a GUI for what it does.

    But updating containers in general, either manually or automatically, always carries a risk of something breaking due to the new update.

    One thing you can do is make sure you’re not using :latest tags in your compose files, and instead pin major versions like postgres:13

    And of course make sure you have backups going back multiple points in time in case something does break, and test those backups!

  • @Lanten101B
    08 months ago

    Bee using it for a while no issues, only tim3 I had to manually revert the update was when plex broke transcoding…

    You can add a flag to delete old images as well… otherwise they pile up and takes lot of space

  • @Old-Satisfaction-564B
    08 months ago

    I prefer to be there when container ar updated so that I can promptly fix anything that breaks.

    I have 2 watchtower instances in a docker-compose, the first container ‘watchtower-monitor’ uses command: --monitor-only and warns me over gotify about the availability of updates but does not modify anything, the second ‘watchtower-once’ uses command: --run-once and it is usually inactive since it performs all updates once and than exits. When i am ready to update everything I just docker-compose start watchtower-once container to start the updates.

    • @Digital_VoodooB
      18 months ago

      Apart from the container name, what did you change in the compose files?

      I tried this approach, changed only the container_name, and couldn’t get the second instance to start.

      I’d appreciate your view/help on this.

  • @zfaB
    08 months ago

    Normally fine but if you want to be more careful about what is being pushed to your server you can use something like diun to get notifications and run updates manually.

    Personally I love dockcheck, which I think is by a guy on the sub. I tend to just run that every now and again and be done with it unless I am notified of a perssing update, although I do still have a couple of things I don’t care too much about just auto update with watchtower.

    • @thekrautboyB
      08 months ago

      I am happy in the camp of diun+dockcheck too, they both dont get enough love.

  • @azukaarB
    08 months ago

    Using an outdated version of a container (including DBs!) that have known vulnerabilities that will be very easy to exploits including by bots, is so much worse than the risk of a container breaking after an update. Just monitor your server properly and you’ll be good

  • @AnderssonPeterB
    08 months ago

    I use it but only on containers where I can configure it to not do major updates, sadly most images don’t have the needed tags for this 😢

  • @zoredacheB
    08 months ago

    There are risk, that a newer version of an image will accidentally, break things, apply breaking changes and so on.

    Good, frequent, tested backups, could be a mitigation to this. If an image breaks, you just restore your data from the backup, and pull the older image.

    I use the klausmeyer/docker-registry-browser, and that recently broke, but it just needed me to provide an additional configuration variable.

    I use advplyr/audiobookshelf, which upgraded to a different database engine and schema a couple months ago. For some small subset of people (including me) the migration to the new database didn’t go well. But I had a backup from 6 hours before the update, so restoring and then using the older image until the fixes were released was easy.

    Even with the occasional issues I prefer letting watchtower automatically update most of my images for my home. I don’t really want to spend my time manually applying updates when 98% of the time it will be fine. But again, having a reliable and tested backup system is an essential part of why I am comfortable doing this.

      • @zoredacheB
        08 months ago

        My primary ‘backup’, or easy recovery method is that I use ZFS, and take snapshots via sanoid frequently. I have a mydumper jump making backups of my mariadb server. I use syncoid to doing sends to external storage. So most things can just be fixed by copying the files from an older snapshot.

        I also have a completely separate backups of my system made using borg to storage I have at, but this only happens a couple times a week, and is only my ‘important’ data and not large things like downloaded video/music/etc. I am thinking about switching borg out for restic though, since restic is also compatible with borgbase.

  • @davidht0B
    08 months ago

    I’ve been using watchtower for more than a year on all my containers and no issues so far. I have read many warnings against automating the updates, but it has never broken anything in my case. I’m talking about 3 VMs (on Proxmox) and 2 Synology boxes. 5 instances of watchtower keeping a total of 84 containers updated.

    Nonetheless I try to play it on the safe side and make daily backups in case something breaks. I’ve had a couple of containers breaking (nothing related to watchtower, AFAIK) and I have recovered easily restoring the latest backup.

    • @ByolockB
      08 months ago

      Using Watchtower for approximately 2 years on about 20 Containers. I had 1 issue, where a container would not start after the update. The Error Message said I had an unsupported entry in the configuration file of the app. I looked up the changelog of that app, and found out that the option was removed and replaced by something else. Had to change one line in the configuration. Not really a problem for me.

      Though I decided to exclude my Home Automation Container and my kasm container ( my gateway to my network, a bit like guacamole ). Those may pose problems if they are offline unexpected.

    • @notdoreenOPB
      08 months ago

      Thank you. What do you use for container backups and restoring?

      • @unixuser011B
        28 months ago

        Don’t backup the actual container, backup the volumes and the docker-compose file

      • @davidht0B
        18 months ago
        • 3 VMs in Proxmox hosting 70 containers get backed up everyday with ProxmoxBackupServer (VM in my primary NAS) to a NFS mounted folder on my primary NAS
        • Primary NAS (with 7 containers) gets backed up with Snapshot replication to my secondary NAS everyday.
        • Secondary NAS (with 7 containers) gets backed up with Snapshot replication to my primay NAS everyday.
        • And once a month I backup my primary NAS (not the whole thing,only the important folders) to a USB drive that I store at a friends house.
      • @GolemancerVekkB
        08 months ago

        Please take such advice with a large grain of salt. OP’s experience is very much not the norm. Especially for more complex apps like Jellyfin or Nextcloud, it’s almost guaranteed you’ll break them if you just update blindly.

  • @matz0r81B
    08 months ago

    I have been using it for years and never had a single issue. I use it on a private server only I use, so even if an update fails in the future it would not be the end of the world. I would not use it in an company environment I guess where a lot depends on everything running smoothly.