Hi, my iPhone 15 Pro Max was stolen last weekend in Cleveland, OH, USA, and despite erasing the phone info, etc, I can still track it on FindMy and it appears the phone is on the other side of town with it apparently being inside of a car. With the fact I can still track the iPhone, prove it’s mine and can still see where it is, should I aleast try and call the police to try and get it back before going through all the other AppleCare hassle? I will note it is on a very bad side of the city, so I wouldn’t go over there unless I had police with me. I paid it off in-full too.

  • territradesB
    10 months ago

    Of course you should report it to the police. How the police acts on that information is not in your hands.

    Also, I expect that Apple requires a police report before they issue a replacement for a stolen phone? That is at least the usual procedure with most insurances.